
Don't reinvent the wheel.
Haspro tect it!

For less money than a Netflix subscription,
you can protect your wheels—
And everything that rides on them

Explore Plans

Summer special
Enroll for only $1!

As Simple as...

  1. Repair your vehicle - Get back on the road.
  2. Submit your receipt - File your claim.
  3. Choose your payment method - Receive your payout in as little as 3-5 days.

The Haspro Difference: We're not a warranty!

At Haspro, we're all about Car Care Plans, not warranties. Warranties can be as perplexing as navigating in the dark - full of ambiguity and puzzles. Haspro offers a clear and uncomplicated solution.

With over two decades of data-driven insights, we've found that well-maintained vehicles* typically spend less than $1500 on repairs over six years. When you consider that warranties, on average, cost around $1,000 annually, it becomes apparent that opting for an expensive warranty, which may not even cover all your needs, seems unnecessary. Instead, stick to your maintenance schedule and watch your savings grow.

That's where Haspro comes into play. We keep it simple for you, regardless of the car you drive. Haspro's straightforward 1-2-3 claims process reimburses you for your regular maintenance expenses and ensures you have enough savings to handle unexpected issues, all while keeping some extra change in your pocket.

As a courtesy, if those big repairs do become necessary, we'll do what we can to help arrange financing, making it easier for you to manage.**

*5 – 10 year old vehicle following manufacturers recommended maintenance.

**Must be an active customer for at least 6 months.

Simple Plans

Covering all makes and models

Days to Remibursement

Get your money back, quickly and hassle free

Average annual savings

Compared to traditional warranty coverage after premiums and deductibles